AN OBLIQUE AND I HOPE NON-RANCOROUS RESPONSE TO BLISSBLOG’s LONG NON-RANCOROUS RESPONSE to etc (zzz) While tidying up at Stone Lanes, I reread Teach Mark S a Lesson: Louis Prima. As it’s set long ago, it doesn’t strictly speaking a[…]
POP FACTOR: 839 CONTROVERSY RATING: “Was I ever in love? I called it love. I mean, it felt like love. There were moments when – well – There were moments when.” 8 (Tom) The Streets finally have indie cred here. Painfully hip […]
NEW ORDER — Technique I actually posted this all over on ILM but I couldn’t decide whether here or there was the best place to put it. So I split the difference.[…]
POP THE VOTE activists deplore ROCKIST PRESENTATIONAL ADVICE: “Kerry obviously will never be a natural orator of Bill Clinton and Barak Obama caliber,” argues PolBlogger Billmon, “but there are some things he could do that would he[…]
Pop The Vote On the I Love Music board I am running a poll to determine ILM’s Top 100 albums and tracks of the decade so far, what with being pretty much halfway through it as we are (unless you’re one of those anti-Carterian date ro[…]
Riffing on a theme borrowed from sinkah’s rise and sprawl (the noise piece), k-punk on glampirism. Without wanting to re-open the engagements of the last couple of weeks, it does strike me a) that “Low” is very much the rockist̵[…]
Happy Birthday Kate Bush! A reader has emailed to ask that NYLPM mention that it’s Kate Bush’s birthday (don’t know if it’s a particularly significant one or anything) – NYLPM is happy to oblige. “Babooshka”,[…]
Hole–I’m Dying. When Ms Love sings I’m Dying, Please on this track, one thinks that she is begging god and her self just to let it happen…It’s sad and its tragic, Celebrity Skin is all about (among other thing[…]
I’ve just been listening to a song called ‘Tupelo Mississippi Flash’ by Tom Jones. It’s on the flip of his 1970 single, ‘Daughter of Darkness’. Here‘s the lyrics. It’s one of Jones’ typically r[…]
Pop Metaphors Vol. n: my favoured image for the interaction of underground creative scenes and the pop overground is the cocktail (or any mixer drink really): the booze is what gives the mixture its kick – but drinking spirits neat is an occasi[…]
Block Blast:
Random Animal Generator:
Random Address Generator:https://addressgenerator.ap
Animal Sounds:
Infinite Craft:
Drift Boss: