Archives – 2003 – January  

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I don’t drive. I’ve never even taken a driving lesson. This in itself is not of any great interest, but it means that I rarely have the experience of hearing music I like in the car: when I do travel in a motor, I tend to be subjected to […]

One Line Dismissals of Country Videos, Part One
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One Line Dismissals of Country Videos, Part One
Drive-Alan Jackson
Daddy songs, no matter how hackish, make me lose all critical skills, and Country has too many of them.
Dean Tuftin-I’m not so little
A bully comeuppance story,

JOHN MAYER — ‘Your Body Is a Wonderland’ (redirect for the prosecution)
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If he’s so full of poetic wonder and awe, why does he sing these lyrics like he’s reading an encyclopedia? What woman is going to be flattered by having lecherous lyrics unemotionally intoned at her by someone who gives the impression th[…]

JOHN MAYER — ‘Your Body Is a Wonderland’ (a conscientious rebuttal)
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This isn’t the wonderland you’d find a hyperactive grade-school kid pinballing through — sure, the kid’s happy to pull on pant leg & dress hem screaming MOMMY DADDY LET’S GO HERE I WANNA SEE MICKEY WHERES MICKEY MOMM[…]

JOHN MAYER – “Your Body Is A Wonderland”
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JOHN MAYER – “Your Body Is A Wonderland”
I decided this morning that i would take on the following challenge; I’d pick a song I didn’t particularly like and write about it without going off on a ranting screed. Dear rea[…]

POP-EYE 26/1/03
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Every time I do a Pop-Eye (and it has been a while) I learn something new. This time I have become increasingly sure that despite the idea that this is a rundown of the most popular records in the country, the top three are a bit of an anomaly becaus[…]

JOAN JETT-“Crimson and Clover”
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JOAN JETT-“Crimson and Clover”
You know the kind of boy (or girl) that you refuse to think about, cause all of the blood is caught between your heart and your loins ?
this is the song for that. Hearing her sing Crimson and Clover over and[…]

DIXIE CHICKS-“Travelling Soilder”
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DIXIE CHICKS-“Travelling Soilder”
MASH was about Vietnam, not Korea.
Despite the lyrics this song is not about Vietnam, its about the new war, the tenuous war that has happened and hasn’t happened at the same time, the problem is t[…]

that was a naughty bit of crap
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that was a naughty bit of crap – via Blissblog, bloody excellent music weblog. No permalinks yet but the top story is about Chris Morris’ pastiche reggae 10″, which sounds to me like a tribute to the notorious Sex Boots Dread and &#[…]

KOMATROHN – “Mirrors And Chrome”
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KOMATROHN – “Mirrors And Chrome”
Simon Reynolds pointed out last year that neo-electro bands were busy making tracks not songs, which meant they didn’t ever really hit the heights of their 80s forebears. And Ronan Fitzgerald p[…]


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  1. the punk community kindly disownes you, have your stuff packed, being hateful is not punk, honestly this is the most…