Archives – 2000 – August  

Gasp! Choke!
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Gasp! Choke! Dissed in Indieshite at last! I have no choice but to join Western Homes in forced retirement. Goodbye, cruel web.
Actually Ernst and co. have hit on a persistent paranoia of mine. I don’t even have access to Netscape, let alone a[…]

I’d not come across
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I’d not come across before – maybe it’s out of the ‘online zineblog loop’ (or maybe, more likely, I am), but I like it a good deal. The writing doesn’t always flow but the people involved always make a[…]

Mmmm, admin
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Mmmm, admin: I’ve rejigged the list of websites to your right, categorised them a little and added a few which I’d previously left out. But my memory is imperfect – if you run a music review site, or especially if you run a commenta[…]

Taken to task by Tim!
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Taken to task by Tim!: SINK seems to suggest that my disdain for the late-90s music press is down to some kind of refracted nostalgia for the music of my (relative) youth, and quotes The Manual‘s entirely accurate assertion that every age of po[…]

We’re the younger generation
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We’re the younger generation: really apalling piece on ‘twee’ from Salon. Briefly considers analysis, rejects it, reverts to stereotype. Will annoy lots of people: personally I don’t care much since I’ve hated every one […]

Farewell The Lonely Surfer
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Farewell The Lonely Surfer: Guardian obituary of Spector arranger Jack Nitzche.[…]

FLOWCHART – Flutter By Butterfly
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FLOWCHART – Flutter By Butterfly
For a while there, childhood was the last frontier. The clumsy-beautiful melodies and quaint analog dreams of kinder-techno starlets Boards of Canada and Plone turned dance music into a playpen. These bands imag[…]

Supremes Taken To Extremes
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Supremes Taken To Extremes: (via scrubbles). More things wrong with this piece than I can really be bothered to list, some specific to his put-downs of the Supremes (which are right – Diana Ross is not the world’s greatest singer – […]

Via everywhere, but specifically
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Via everywhere, but specifically kempa, the art for the new Radiohead album. It looks like a 15 year old’s cover for his sci-fi fanzine. It’s Cthulhoid, cheap and horrible. I really rather like it.[…]

Discover HIP HOP
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Discover HIP HOP: I know I did.[…]


Latest comments on FT

  1. Thank for the blog it is well written and i love it the way you have presented it in online…

  2. Tom, I loved loved loved these polls and participated obsessively, until one day (it was March 2023) I just stopped…

  3. I feel sad that I couldn't persistently engage in every poll as much as I'd have liked - and not…

  4. Thanks for doing the polls, Tom, and for writing this lovely, considered, reflective piece. It’s given me closure on my…