People often ask me what the most frustrating thing about my tireless campaign against music is. My answer, as I stick my boot in another jukebox, is comebacks. There is nothing more annoying than seeing a band that you have effectively destroyed due to subtle chart and career sabotage deciding to get back together again. The people in charge of the Here & Now tours are sworn enemies of mine, but now look. Even The Wonder Stuff have reformed.
I do not mind so much nostalgia/nausea tours. After all the bands in this case are not making anything new, and may be actively retarding peoples tastes so they never develop. Anything that stems the tide of new music is good. But when the reformed band start making new albums, it irritates me massively. The last thing I want to see is Miles “rhyming slang” Hunt in his tartan suit back on Top Of The Pops. I know it is highly unlikely, especially when you see what they have called their new album.
Trust me boys, Rubbish Island is not a place you can escape from. You carry it around wherever you go.