Sorry, but I have noticed Jazzie B seems to be doing the rounds again. Did we not pack him off in a lead lined box surround by concrete and drop him to the bottom of the ocean for inflicting Get A Life on us? Or has he, using powers previously only known to Jesus Christ and Shaggy’s career manager to come Back II Life?
In the early nineties, when I was new to the music hating game, I set Mr B’s bizarre pineapple shaped haircut firmly in my sights of my sniper rifle. I soon learnt my lesson, this was certainly the motivation for writing Keep On Movin’. But every fat bloke has to stop moving, and in the process make an album that flops. Or ten.
Do you know how many Soul II Soul albums there have been?
Vol 1: Club Classics (same usage of the word as Classics Nouveau)
Vol 2: A New Decade (aren’t you rid of us yet?)
Vol 3: Just Right (just rubbish)
Vol 4: The Classics Album (ie a knock off greatest hits which should have been the end)
Vol 5: Believe (I never would have believed it if it wasn’t on their website)
Vol 6: A Time To Change (This one isn’t even on their own website)
Vol 7: Mission To Moscow
You would think the guru of slow rapping would have given it up, but he appears to be gracing festivals. He really ought to get a life. As their slogan goes: “A happy face a thumping bass for a better race“. Hmm, I think the best way to achieve a better race Jazzie is thumping your face.
we get spam like this all the time – like 1000s. this one just got through. can i zap your response? or it will look out of place (and this too obv)
Yes, of course.
What does ‘joom’ get out of this sort of spm, a little bonus or something? Ah anyways…
ah well. may as well leave this response thread :-)
spam linkers target blogs all the time. in fact anwhere that will let you post HTML links. it’s a way to increase search engine ranking, among other things. since we went to WordPress we’ve caught over half a million spam comments, and the vast majority are full of HTML links to sites they are promoting along with keywords to up the sites (and the links here) ranking with those words.
so much filth :-(