So of course by now, EVERYONE has seen HOUSE! Or should I say, House, M.D! However, I saw it for the first time last Saturday, and in case there are others like me who’ve missed out on the JOY of House, it is my duty to recommend it to diligent FreakyTriggerists. With Hugh Laurie as a maverick doctor who is CROSS! He might not actually be a doctor! He does no doctoring apart from shouting at people! Perhaps that is the real cure! House is like this.
Ian House and Ian Holm run an estate agents called Out Of House And Home out of their shared house and hobbit hole HA HA No seriously.
PEONIC PATIENT: Doctor! A dog has gorn off with my leg!
HUGE LAURIE is IAN HOUSE: I don’t care! You’re rubbish! *punches passing consultant*
PASSING CONSULTANT: Ow, that hurt Doctor House. OMG what is that on the patient’s FACE??
HUGE LAURIE: CRUMBS, I mean, GEE WHIZZ (I am American now), it is ANTHRAX!!
PEONIC PATIENT: I think it’s just a bit of jam…
BOSS: House, stop being a Maverick and DO SOME PAPERWORK.
HOUSE flicks Vs at BOSS.
PATIENT: (screams) I’m blind!
HOUSE: OMGZ her eye has fallen out!!!
CONSULTANT: And she’s grown to the size of a tree!
HOUSE: And her face has grown gills!!
Etc etc etc until the patient has EVERYTHING in my GURL’S OWN BOOK OF GORY DISEASES. Brilliant!! In the last one, the obese 10yr old with psychosis and a heart condition had PETER CUSHING’S disease. Joy.
Recommended to all!
consultant: I SAID ENT
House is probably not as corny as Dr. Cox in Scrubs. This would be a good thing (but House has less jokes oh noes).
Oh come on, what about the bit where he is leaning on his stick outside the motorbike shop loooking wistfully at the LEATHERS, until the owner comes out and tells him he can change gears with his good leg on a left-legged bicycle (or something) and then House roars off into the sunset whilst YR BEAUTIFUL plays overhead??
I also think there is a definite point for saying House has more jokes than Scrubs!
I would complain about use of Blunt but I bet series 5 of Scrubs does this too.
i thort it was about bingo
People buy a house and then live in it.
There is actually a film called House that is about Bingo. It it set in Wales and stars the lovely Kelly Mcdonald (also Warren from This Life iirc).
Don’t forget:
Doctor Girldoctor: I CARE.
House: You care TOO MUCH!
Doctor Girldoctor: The patient is blah blah something! Don’t you CARE?
House: No, I must never care again!
Dr Cancerfriend: You secretly care!
House: My words say I care not but my wistful end-of-episode gaze says yes, I do care, deep inside my heart of stone! (wistfully gazes at something, END OF EPISODE)
haha there was an hilarious bit recently where someone came into house’s OFFICE and to be annoying he carried on fiddling with his CD player and setting up the music he wanted to play and whern it came on instead of ADOLESCENT ROCK ANGST it was cheesy TV comedy soundtrack silliness (actually i can’t recall what it was but it was the “opposite” of the who, who he put on later) (or possibly earlier)
(i think the who have a bet to see if they can get their songs onto EVERY C5 PROG in a row)
You will then be pleased to learn that ‘House’ is pretty much exactly what I do on Mondays and Thursdays at school!