REASON: Welcome one and welcome all, to the FreakyTrigger wing of a KWIZZ (quiz) sat for a hundred and blimey years by Isle of Man schoolkids. (“Please return your answers to the Principal’s Office by Monday 13th January.”)
RHYME: Themed sets of 10 questions each — a new one every day (or so). COLLABORATIN’ COMMENT CREW (C3) pile in — we can work it out.
REGZ: Don’t put googled answers up till after the next question appears — to let others show off their BRANES — and note where they are googled (or borrowed off of rival sites with good answers). OFF WE GO!
RIP: LiveJournal
Scire ubi aliquid invenire possis quod post omnes est maximus onus sutorum – Plautus
Round 1. During 1919:
1 which Giant was mauled by the Kid?
2 which keyboard virtuoso achieved premier status?
3 whose first edition of what was inspired by Paul Gauguin?
4 whose Divine intervention caused raised eyebrows in SW19?
5 who received the Daily Mail Prize from the Secretary of State for War and Air?
6 just 2½ hours into the new year, which aquiline vessel fell tragically foul of Holm Bastin?
7 which tabloid, aimed at the men and women of tomorrow, was launched?
8 how did epilepsy bring great sadness to George and Mary?
9 despite soft speech, whose big stick would go no further?
10 who kept it in the family by the Tamar?
I won’t put up Round 2 for a couple of days at least – just to give the CCC troops some rallying time
1. I suspect is something to do with baseball?
4. did anything notable happen at Wimbledon that year?
9. must be Teddy Roosevelt (“talk softly and carry a big stick” was his foreign policy advice, plus the age feels right)
#8 might be a Royal birth or Royal death (or Royal diagnosis)
2: is probably the pianist paderewski, who was polish prime minister for a while at some point
1. feels like it should be boxing, but could also be from the movies. (In baseball, 1919 was the the year of the Black Sox World Series, which would make any mauling suspect).
Is 7. the Daily Mirror? I have no evidence, just a feeling it’s slightly more recent than the Mail and the Express… (And they weren’t always tabloids, I think).
#1 Could be the boxer known as the Pottawatomie Giant? I forget the specifics of his big fight but it’s the right era. I’ll leave off googling for now…
All I can say about 7 is that it’s not the Mirror or the Mail, as they’re both name-checked in Weston & Lee’s song “Lloyd George’s Beer” (about WWI restrictions on the strength of beer in pubs). I wonder if it’s a paper that’s since closed, e.g. the Daily Herald or the News Chronicle.
#3 is probably Somerset Maugham’s ‘The Moon and Sixpence’, tho I’m unclear why there’s an emphasis on the first edition specifically*, as all editions are equally based on Gaugin’s life
*other than the book was first published in 1919 obv
I’m pretty sure #8 is Prince John, who suffered from epilepsy (and probably autism) – he presumably died in 1919
#1 is Jess Willard, the Pottowatomie Giant, relieved of his World Heavyweight Boxing Championship by Jack ‘The Kid’ Dempsey.
#2 is Jan Paderewski, who became PM of Poland
#4 is Suzanne Lenglen who broke the English domination of Wimbledon and showed a lot of frilly knickers to the consternation of the All England Club
#5 Alcock & Brown for first transatlantic crossing by aircraft
#8 is Prince John
#9 is Theodore Roosevelt
#7 It’s not for the men and women of today, it’s the men and women of tomorrow. That’s a heavy hint: this is Arthur Mee’s Children’s Newspaper. I can vaguely remember it in its final days; it was full of what was already laughably old-bufferish attitudes even compared to the Daily Express.
#10 is Nancy Astor, who won the Plymouth Sutton byelection caused by the elevation of her husband Waldorf Astor to the peerage. Not the first woman elected to parliament (that was Constance Markievicz) but was the first to take her seat.
Apologies for slow posting rate. For those wanting to be put out of their misery, The Guardian posted answers 3 weeks ago.
But DON’T LOOK JUST YET – we’ll persist and dole out trust and kudos in abundance
Next year we’ll try to get through it all much more quickly
Suzanne Lenglen who broke the English domination of Wimbledon and showed a lot of frilly knickers to the consternation of the All England Club.
Honestly, I can only answer 6 out of 10 questions :D You obviously can’t say many positive s words about my skills!