Bozhe moi! IT’S BACK! The draw for the Football World Cup was made today, and so, for the fourth time, we’re delighted to host the POP WORLD CUP.
The point of this post is very simple. If you want to be a manager in the Pop World Cup, put your name in the comments and pick a specific team (first come first served) or ask us to choose a random one.
More clarification? But of course!
What is the Pop World Cup? It’s a music competition involving the 32 countries in the “real” World Cup vying to see who is the best at pop music. It will take place starting in February next year, before the football World Cup starts.
What does being a manager involve? It involves taking on one of the countries and finding pop music from it. Your tracks are pitted against tracks from other nations, and people vote on which they like best. Just as in the football World Cup, the idea is to progress to the final (and win it). You’ll be expected to find at least 3 tracks and at most 7. The Pop World Cup has very different outcomes from the football World Cup, as proven by the fact that England actually won it last time.
What are the 32 qualifying nations I can pick from? Ones in italics are taken:
Group A Russia, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Uruguay
Group B Portugal, Spain, Morocco, Iran
Group C France, Australia, Peru, Denmark
Group D Argentina, Iceland, Croatia, Nigeria
Group E Brazil, Switzerland, Costa Rica, Serbia
Group F Germany, Mexico, Sweden, South Korea
Group G Belgium, Panama, Tunisia, England
Group H Poland, Senegal, Colombia, Japan
If you took part in a previous Pop World Cup please don’t pick a team you previously managed.
Are there any new rules? I’ve not totally finalised this years POP FOOTBALL CODE but this PWC is likely to be fairly close to the last one, i.e. only 2010s tracks will be eligible. The only new rule is that tracks will need to be on Spotify OR YouTube to qualify.
1. We’re shortening the “Group Stage” so it doesn’t drag on, and we’re simplifying the scoring.
2. It’ll be easier to vote and comment via Facebook, Twitter etc.
3. YouTube links are fine – you don’t need to find MP3s.
4. Only 2010s tracks will be eligible – so this will represent current music.
This will mean less hassle and more fun for managers and listeners alike (I hope!).
Over to you – if you want to join in, put your name in the comments, either with a country, or asking for a random draw. We’ll put up the final managers’ list on Freaky Trigger once we’ve got enough people, and allot the random countries.
I will only manage a team if we don’t have enough takers but I was already contacted by returning manager Garry McK who wants another go (so he will get one).
I’m willing to join in, having confirmed with Tom that you don’t need to have an instinct for pop music. Hurray!
Me please! Randomiser do your worst.
the manager formerly known as lartsaegis here — argentina, please!
(random draw is OK!)
Hi would love to do this. Random, though not Eng if possible to stipulate such..
I’m in, and would like to have a crack at one of Egypt, Morocco, Iceland, Senegal or Colombia. (Avoiding the randomiser as I’m also avoiding Eastern Europe).
I will take a random team, please.
Random for me too!
I would like to revisit past glories with Switzerland ??
Yes, please: Portugal or Brazil.
yes please. always enjoyed reading these. would like to have a go playing. random country is okay.
Count me in. I think I would like to move continents. Peru or non-African random for me.
Australia please!
This seems as good a reason to come out of lurking for. I’ll take a random please!
I don’t know if Sweden is hot property, and thus unsuitable for a lurker, but if it’s up for grabs, can I have Sweden please?
If not, I’m totally happy with Iceland
Happy to join in once more. A random team seems the most fun.
Oh, yes please. Serbia please?
I’m in. Japan, please.
I’d love to manage any team!
ooo i’ve been waiting for this. Yes please. Would be happy with Russia, Poland, Belgium, Senegal, Nigeria, Croatia
Long-time lurker here, and would love to take on France if it hasn’t yet been claimed…
Sarah C here, and I quite fancy going for Russia if it’s not already bagsied (if it is, I’ll random it up). I feel there might be Stuff To Explore tick VG.
Hi everyone – I’ll put up a post tomorrow allocating the managers so far and asking for the last few (we still need 8 or 9 I think)
Random for me please!
Ooooh, I’d love to take part again. I’d be happy seeing what the randomizer could do (just not Argentina or Australia because I’ve already managed both).
It’s been ages, but would love to give this a go again. Random please, though I’d like to avoid Tunisia, as I’ve managed them before.
Can I have Panama please? I reckon Iceland might be too comfortable for me… but if someone else *really* wants Panama, then Iceland would be great.
OK here’s the line-up so far. (I’ll do a separate post with this stuff in)
Group A:
Russia – Sarah C
Saudi Arabia – Champiness
Egypt – Kat
Uruguay – Lucazm
Group B:
Morocco – Matt DC
Portugal – Matthew Marcus
Spain – Chris B
Iran – Dollymix
Group C:
Peru – Garry McK
France – Sam
Australia – Weej
Denmark – Jack B
Group D:
Argentina – Aris
Iceland – Edward Still
Group E:
Serbia – Chelovek Na Lune
Brazil – Jonathan Bogart
Switzerland – Pete
Costa Rica – UNCLAIMED
Group F:
Sweden – Solitaryp
Germany – Joris
Mexico – Dorsalstop
South Korea – Katherine
Group G:
England – Carsmile Steve
Panama – Scott M
Belgium – Hazel
Group H:
Japan – Jeff W
Poland – Lockedintheattic
Senegal – Cryptopian
Colombia – Job
So that’s Croatia, Nigeria, Costa Rica and Tunisia currently without managers.
Croatia for me then please and thank you.