Following Freaky Trigger’s favourite show, House, Five has decided to schedule a new US import called SHARK! Which stars James Woods as a maverick lawyer, who is CROSS! A little like House, he shouts at a team of minions a lot! A little like House, he doesn’t do any actual lawyering! Unlike House, who saves people BY SWEATING, he saves people by YELLING! Shark is like this:
MAYOR: Shark! You get results! Come and work for me!
SHARK: You’re busting my ass! I eat prosecution lawyers for breakfast! I eat them also for lunch! And for tea! And elevenses! And midnight snacks! And second breakfasts! And third breakfast! And fouth break…
*seven hours later*
NEW PROSECUTION LAWYER SHARK: Lie! Cheat! Steal! Only this way can you be good prosecuting attorneys! You’re crap! Come to my FAKE COURTROOM that I have mocked up in my mansion! My housekeeper will pretend to be a judge!
NervousYoungLaywers [in unison]: This is totally non-freaky, no really, we aren’t reacting at all to this.
SHARK: You’re guilty!
FeistyLawyer: We’re not on trial!
SHARK opens trapdoors, YoungLayers fall through, larffing out loud, rofflez.
They then go into the courtroom and SHARK eats some more things FOR BREAKFAST.
Shark used to be a DEFENCE lawyer, but then he got a man off who then murderised his wife two hours after being declared innocent, HARROWED by this he has decided to bring his TUFF DEFENCE SKILLS to PROSECUTION to bring the guilty BANG TO RIGHTS. He talks in capital letters almost as much as me! This was only the pilot but I hope for many complicated legal twists and turns in the future. Promising!
the whole daughter thing was just a schmalzy step too far though
Well 1) it was the pilot so I suppose they had to set up quite a bit of backstory pretty quickly (and that was done quite efficiently I tht), and 2) hopefully this means a good divider that the personal schmaltz stuff will happen with his daughter at home rather than tedious office based emo instead of cutting throats. Justice is god’s problem!
Surely this is begging for an Alien vs Predator style battle of the titangs viz: SHARK vs Dubdobdee vs Rumpole all set up in the International Court of Wotsit in The Hague.
Oh, drunken mind is revealing conversation of a Life On Mars style programme except with a Dalek going back in time and being a defence lawyer on Crown Court.
Dalek of Dock Green
We’ve gone through nearly the entire first season in America now and it goes way downhill.
I’m sure I have seen this plotline (ie hardnosed prosecution chap goes defence) on other legal things many many times before.
You are WRONG Emma this is totally different. This is hardnosed defense chap goes prosecution!