Dick: OK! So yesterday we showed you one of those close-up picture questions from the old, boring Ask the Family. Do we reckon anyone got it right, Dom?
Dom: Well let’s take a look!
Dick: Urrgh! Is that pickled garlic?
Dom: It is!
Dick: Urrgh! Wouldn’t want to snog any of that lot! Did anyone get it right?
Dom: Yes! Kat did!
Dick: Wasn’t she there when Eric took the picture though?
Dom: I can’t remember. Anyway, I think that makes it a point each to the Longmires and the Stevenses!
Dick: Time for a tie-break then!
Dom: Can’t. We’ve just been axed.
Dave Chapman: HAHA! RUBBISH!
NUM NUM: Pickled Garlic, the savory winner at the Beer Festival.