PMMa friend told me last week that he had encountered — in relation to a WELL-KNOWN CURRENTLY V.POPULAR MAJOR ELECTRONIC PRODUCT (wkcpMEP) — a MONUMENTAL OLD-SKOOL FRAUD about to unfold. Which when discovered will embarrass the manufacturers of the wkcpMEP SO MUCH that the will possibly never hear of this scam viz

i. an independent company is about to offer an useful add-on item to the wkcpMEP…
ii. …which allows owners of the wkcpMEP to RECHARGE IT w/o pluggin it in anywhere…
iii. …by means recharger based on a system of little spinning magnets…
iv. …which will NEVER RUN DOWN…
v. do we twig where this might be going?
vi. my friend arsked his contact if he had ever heard of the concept of PERPETUAL MOTION
vii. the reply was “haha i only work here mate! try telling the front office!”

i am keeping this all super-anonymous for legal reasons obv