MAUL MY MEMORIES!: An occasional series (‘series’) where I post tracks I used to really, really like and that I’m now – well – not so sure about. Most of them will hail from that den of frauds and jokers men call… the nineties. First we have Denim, with “Summer Smash”. This – as you might know even if you haven’t heard it – was their shot at a big Summer hit, cancelled and never released after that nasty business with the car, the underpass and the Princess. Looking back I’m not sure that Lawrence’s typically deliberate gaucheness would have troubled the Top 40 too much, but there were a few rum things afoot in late-nineties charts, so who knows. At the time – quite unaware of the single’s sad fate – I enjoyed this hugely, there was something wide-eyed and optimistic about it. Now? Hmmm. It might be a great lost hit, or it might be “My Lovely Horse” done straight. See what you think.
Very good article,I benefited a lot from it.