This is to assist people on TMFD where this has recently been brought up. Here are quotes from the nine occasions Sinkah has refered to this, with a brief commentary.
From :Why Can’t England produce competent drummers
the neutron is the julia lennon of particles!!
From: S&D – Kiss w/out make-up
in kiss’s case julia lennon = diana ross
From: Should groups always write their own songs?
bez is the secret linchpin in my “julia lennon is a member of the beatles” theory (which is mine not frank kogan’s)
From: TS: Tony McCaroll vs. Peter Criss
i know the answer to the “least talented member” question, but i have paraded it so often on ilm that i am going to pretend to be offended that dave q doesn’t read my wack theories (the name of the theory is JULIA LENNON IS STILL ON-STAGE btw, but that is not terribly helpful heh)
From: defending the indefensible, pt 1: the doors
ha i tht the “morrison hotle” was a cool new term for jimbo’s mojo! IT IS NOW!
i like all the doors EXCEPT morrison but hey, he’s the one who got them in one place so he’s OK too, on the “julia lennon is the fifth beatle” principle
From: Miles Davis vs. David Bowie
stockhausen = physical space as a compositional parameter (maan) (KS being a hippie considers space benign: MD ? korrketly ? => impenetrable murk is the julia lennon of the “best” 70s miles)
hiphop doesn’t use space; nor does trip hop => actual real descendent = PARIS AU PRINTEMPS poss?
From: Beatles: Classic or Dud?
sorry alex i wasn’t shouting at you, it is just a missing part of my “julia lennon theory of who’s in the band”: i like that song too, tho i think white album is in general a bit TOO diffuse (= they were no longer writing songs to impress/amaze each other, but had actually broken back into their constituent individual parts)
ps anyone who thinks ringo is not a perfect pop drummer is some kind of devolving zappa-fan imo
From: Why are music critics afraid of writing about love?
this thread is already being hijacked and-or stratified away from some of the things it could also be about viz
i. it is a band = it is a polyamorous gang-bang
ii. julia lennon (or equiv): also know as “who is the bez in yr marriage?”
iii. l.reed hearts j.cale (and similar IN EVERY COLLECTIVE)
iv. star: “i fucked the audience they were gagging for it” => audience: “star is so tripping the gagging was directed quite crosswise to that so ner”
vi. “i love everything so why do i hate [insert trivial nodepoint of flaring disagreement]
vii. “we don’t talk any more”
From: i am in love with john lennon…again, so just try and shoot me down haha…..or john lennon vs paul macartney
“oh my love” has the most beautiful melody he ever wrote i think: i assume he was trying to write something “japanese”-sounding, given the actual shape of the tune (minor and augumented seconds blah blah)
it goes straight into “how do you sleep”, which despite its bad-boy rep as second-person hostility is fairly lame, and not just bcz it’s a triumph of flatulently projected self-hatred (“you lived with straights who tell you, you was king/jump when your mamma tell you anything”: haha does the name JULIA LENNON mean anything to you john?) (also ringo’s zomboid drumming deliberately sucks energy out of the arragement, which is already proto-oasis
I think from this selection of answers it is quite clear what the Julia Lennon Theory is. Obviously I will not state it for fear of getting it wrong and making a fool of myself. But put it like this, it makes Patsy Kensit a much more important person in music history!