The Most Ultra-Romantic-est Songs in the World… EVER! I’m guessing no-one reading this is likely to celebrate Valentine’s day by buying their Signif. Other (or anyone they happen to want to get jiggy with) a double CD compilation of Classical Love Themes, Reggae for Lovers, Soft Songs for Hard Hearts or whatever. But they’re being advertised all over the shop — full page ads. in the broadsheets, and TV too. Do people buy these things? And why do I feel queasy about them (notwithstanding the likely quality of the tracks)? Just plain old snobbery, I guess. But also, it’s a lingering worry about something so personal as love is supposed to be, being expressed through such a mediated form. But then as I argued in an over-written and under-thought Freaky Trigger piece a couple of years ago, the whole concept of ‘love’ is nothing but mediated: so where’s the problem, Thomson? I was going to add some personal stuff in here about being happy romance-wise at the moment, but I think I’ll leave it.