April March – “Chick Habit” Do you want to frug and shake your wild, ratted-up hair all over the living room? Do you like to imagine that you’re a member of the original line-up of the B-52s on tour in a leopard print-decora[…]
Actually, Maura, you can view the whole ho-hum video here. Blah bling blah. Why am I supposed to care about this video? How is it controversial at all? Ok, she liberates her granny, tazes a guy at an ATM, sasses some police officers, shoots them[…]
Did you know that Mark Knopfler has a dinosaur named after him? Well, he does. And this dinosaur is special, because the teeth in its lower jaw jut out horizontally from their gums. Now that’s what I call a rock & roll dinosaur, baby! […]
Undynamic Speculation Nicole, it would not surprise me at all if Marx were Justin’s primary collaborator on a solo album. The elder statesman of schlocky swoonpop wrote *NSYNC’s latest single, the insidiously listenable “This I Pro[…]
With a chorus that’s a dead sonic ringer for “The Boy is Mine” and verse phrasing that’s a watered-down ripoff of Aaliyah’s far stronger “Try Again”, I damn well hope this song didn’t cost a thing to pr[…]
LUDACRIS – ‘What’s Your Fantasy?’ Ludacris is a man with an agenda. He wants to do a great many things, with one goal in mind: discovering and fulfilling your fantasies. He’s like the guy at the end of Green Eggs and […]
How To Make A Schmindie Video: Are you an aspiring videaste auteur, dedicated to bringing the message of useless existential self-loathing to the overprivileged suburban masses? Jyoti Mishra, creative guy and FT music focus group participant, gives […]
Condolences to the Kempa family: chriskempa.com. This would be why our beloved kempa.com is down.[…]
Tim, after looking at the Bedtime Stories liner notes, I have to pull a Philadelphia lawyer move and say that if the immediately post-Sex Madonna shafted Shep for anyone, it was for Nellee Hooper. Babyface produced just one track on that album ̵[…]