Archives – Pete Baran  


The 21st Freaky Trigger Annual Between Christmas And New Year Pub Crawl: Back To TCR
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Twenty Years Ago (1999) I decided to organise a pub crawl on the quietest pub day of the year, and thus the Freaky Trigger annual between Christmas And New Year Pub Crawl (henceforth #FTABCANYPC) was born. Since then we have crawled annually on the 2[…]


The Freaky Trigger Movie Poll 2018: #10 – #1
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And here it is, after leaving a slightly longer gap than hoped – the Freaky Trigger Top Ten movies of the year. Firstly, before anyone says anything, Paddington 2 came out in 2017 (and was number 40 in last years poll you idiots who left it two[…]


The Freaky Trigger Movie Poll 2018: #20 – #11
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Into the top-twenty-verse, as all the cool kids would say. A lot of good films here (a few I cared for less too but hey, opinions are like arseholes right?) THis is where the films I were worried wouldn’t make it, made it – the years best[…]


The Freaky Trigger Movie Poll 2018: #30 – #21
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And we’re back, to the next segment. I promised you Jean Luc Godard and he does feature in one of the films below, but even his hardcore fans couldn’t push his most recent offering into the top forty.
So we have another all female heist,[…]


The Freaky Trigger Movie Poll 2018: #40 – #31
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So as per usual I will be dispatching the movie poll results in batches of ten, which might start in a puppydog quick fashion, and finally limp out the final ten in the middle of February. Well we will see…
Some stats this year – we recei[…]

The Freaky Trigger Movie Poll 2018
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“Hi I am an absence of a framing device, and welcome to the annual Freaky Trigger Film and TV Polls”
Thanks, absence of a framing device and welcome to the fourth annual film poll and the second TV poll. The rules are simple – rank your top twe[…]


The 20th Freaky Trigger Annual Between Christmas And New Year Pub Crawl: The Holloway Road Poker
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(A poker as in the kind that comes from a set with a shovel, and a brush that is more ornamental than useful when setting a fire)
Twenty years of the Freaky Trigger Annual Between Christmas And New Year Pub Crawl (or the #FTABCANYPC) and this year we[…]


The Inaugural FreakyTrigger TV Poll: #12 – #1
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“Hi, I’m the Ghost Of The 1979 ITV Strike, and I am here to resurrect and complete the somewhat delayed (due to strikes probably) Freaky Trigger TV Poll. Imagine if you can the landscape of 1979 British television. Three channels, BBC1, B[…]


The Freaky Trigger Movie Poll 2017: #10 – #1
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Hi, I’m Edgar the computer from the flop film Electric Dreams in 1984. Yes, the one the song comes from. I was just a normal 16 bit computer until my nerdy owner thought he would put out a fire near me with some sparkling wine. After a brief mo[…]


The Inaugural FreakyTrigger TV Poll: #24 – #13
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Hi we’re the Telebugs, unloved 80’s British cartoon characters who traded on British kids loves of robots and television and still failed to create a following across our 88 tedious episodes. Part of this disdain might be that whilst we a[…]


Latest comments on FT

  1. Notes from me.... 11 Clarkson has shifted from full-on pop star to daytime chatshow host who is also a part-time…