Archives – 2009 – August  


Ben Crouch’s Tavern
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Bad goth pubs meet their maker in the end.


toward a better understanding of powder kegs and sparks
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There are a few subroutines missing but as I say, this is only TOWARD a better understanding. A complete knowledge may ultimately be beyond the ken of humans. Thanks to[…]

Jake Thackray
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So, I saw a (repeated) bbc four documentary about Jake maybe six months ago and then kept on entirely failing to search for his stuff, but then a friend linked to the above and I found an treasure trove of stuff on spotify (sorry Americans), and he i[…]

Hei Hei Wickie – The Transgendered Viking
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Talking about Land Of The Lost below I suggest that no-one was clamouring for a film remake. Well, to take that a step further I started to think about all the time filling but not very good series and cartoons I saw as a kid, and wondered if they to[…]


I Love A Flop
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Land Of The Lost deserved to be a flop. Its a remake of a not particularly loved, nonsensical kids TV show which no-one was demanding to be remade. However if they were demanding it to be remade, perhaps they wouldn’t want the general premise o[…]


I Can’t Review It, I’ll Review It
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Bandslam is fun. There, its entertaining, wittily written and for most of its running time cocks a snook at the average High School Movie. Basically its some sort of teen music nerds wet dream, where, upon moving to a new school the previously bullie[…]

Hope I Die Before I Get Polled
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No more pop generation gap, claims this survey by Pew Internet. “There’s now broad agreement across the generations about one realm of American culture that had been an intense battlefield in the 1960s: the music.” (more…)[…]


Middlebrow Movie Business Plans: Tick VG
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Coco Avant (Before) Chanel is not an arthouse movie. Its FRENCH. Its a very pretty period piece which purports to tell the tale of Coco Chanel up until the bit where she started designing clothes, ie before the INTERESTING bit of her life. Even the t[…]


Coming Soon!
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The lyrics from “Two Tribes” as Jack Kirby next-issue boxes, by Al Ewing from a concept by me. More here[…]

Brie de Melun, Persillé de Malzieu (Cheesy Lover 12 & 13)
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Sorry, two unrepentantly good cheeses here; a squishy sweet old brie, and an intensely salty blue. (more…)[…]


Latest comments on FT

  1. Thank for the blog it is well written and i love it the way you have presented it in online…

  2. Tom, I loved loved loved these polls and participated obsessively, until one day (it was March 2023) I just stopped…

  3. I feel sad that I couldn't persistently engage in every poll as much as I'd have liked - and not…

  4. Thanks for doing the polls, Tom, and for writing this lovely, considered, reflective piece. It’s given me closure on my…