Archives – 2005 – March  

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This BBC News item (quelle surprise) mentions the smallest mass detected by scales, and it is really rather impressive. Not however as impressive at finding out that a billionth of a trillionth of a gram is called a ZEPTOGR[…]

THE FT TOP 25 ANIMALS – 3. Capybaras
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There are only two salient facts about the capybara. 1: They are the world’s largest rodent. 2: They look a bit like a giant guinea pig. Actually this second isn’t totally accurate – guinea pigs are furry with tiny legs and capybara[…]


THE FT TOP 25 ANIMALS – 4. Anteater
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Are there any other animals who are defined solely by their diet? Plenty of creatures eat ants after all – it is the anteater’s m.o. that gives it special claim in this area. (I googled anteaters to write this entry at least half-hoping t[…]


THE FT TOP 25 ANIMALS – 5: WolsOwls
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The internet is a wonderful thing. Type “Owls” and click “I’m feeling lucky” on Google* and you WILL get – pretty much everything you need to know about owls. Links to “Owlcams” and lots of[…]

A big thank-you
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A big thank-you to everyone who came to Poptimism last week – it was a huge success, with over 100 people turning up (I had expected about 60 and sneakily hoped for 80). I do hope you enjoyed it and that if you did you’ll come again.[…]


THE FT TOP 25 ANIMALS – 6: Widgeon
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It sounds like pigeon.
But funnier.
More about the Widgeon.[…]

THE FT TOP 25 ANIMALS – 7: Pigeon
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Is it all getting a bit parochial around here? As in the excellent video for Midfielding by Midfield General, why should all the big sexy animals get all the screen time. Think about it, we live with pigeons, day-in, day-out and do we give them much […]

The new big thing is films made completely in computer,
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The new big thing is films made completely in computer, actors existing at best on green screen. It was used in Sky Captain And The World Of Tomorrow, the upcoming Sin City and in super-bore Japanese yawn-fest Casshern.
Did I say that Casshern was ru[…]

THE FT TOP 25 ANIMALS – 8. Badgers
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The badger is the grumpy symbol of British wildlife, earned through its position as 70s/80s TV staple. The black and white stripes of the woodland monarch remind all true Brits of long hours spent rubbing up next to Terry Nutkins in the dank proving […]

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Unfortunately I imagine most of this stuff has been removed now. However the piece in the Museum Of Natural History, despite its predictable war theme, is just remarkably cute.[…]


Latest comments on FT

  1. Thank for the blog it is well written and i love it the way you have presented it in online…

  2. Tom, I loved loved loved these polls and participated obsessively, until one day (it was March 2023) I just stopped…

  3. I feel sad that I couldn't persistently engage in every poll as much as I'd have liked - and not…

  4. Thanks for doing the polls, Tom, and for writing this lovely, considered, reflective piece. It’s given me closure on my…