Archives – 2003 – March  

Exposé — ‘Point of No Return’ (1985)
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All signs are pointing towards Exposé lately. This past month definitely; this past week most strikingly. Last weekend I finally upgraded Exposed to CD ($1.99 at the Princeton Record Exchange!). And just yesterday, the best eBay score of my life arr[…]

Tom’s Top Twelve
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Tom’s Top Twelve
Since we seem to be ‘back’, as it were.
SCOOTER – “Weekend!”
AVRIL LAVIGNE – “I’m With You”
HALL AND OATES – &#822[…]

THE MONOCHROME SET — ‘The Jet Set Junta’
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Short, witty, and sharply cut, this is my idea of a good ‘political’ song, which I’m told we need more of right now. Like an editorial cartoon, it makes its point, jogs the memory, and raises a grim smile, and it’s over in two[…]

Andrea Doria-Bucci Bag
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Andrea Doria-Bucci Bag
House music’s Bilderberg Group met in Miami last week and you can bet that Kissinger (Morillo) and Clinton (Fatboy) will have decided that this track is going to be one of the biggest of the year. It’s certainly one[…]

Increasingly irrelevant popstar blasts equally dull popstar for using cancer charity gig as a platform for anti-war views, whilst using said criticism as a self-aggrandizing piece of publicity.
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Increasingly irrelevant popstar blasts equally dull popstar for using cancer charity gig as a platform for anti-war views, whilst using said criticism as a self-aggrandizing piece of publicity. What is most amusing by this Laim gallagher create-a-quo[…]

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I find it most amusing that Ms Dynamite has been twitching around, galvanizing the yoof of today to be against war. Why is she called Ms Dynamite then, if she is anti weapons of mass destruction? No, nothing has been more heartenin[…]

DJ Lance Lockarm – “Lose Yrself Fitter”
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DJ Lance Lockarm – “Lose Yrself Fitter”
The notion of The Voice in pop is a long standing Freaky Trigger/NYLPM obsession – just check the archives if you don’t believe me. Little thought seems to be paid to the matching[…]

LISA MAFFIA — ‘All Over’
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I seem to have spent three years of this weblog trying to think of different ways to describe ever drier beats and ever sharper synth lines: R’n’B — even British R’n’B, who’d have thought it! – just keeps get[…]

MADONNA — ‘American Life’
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The admirable: Madonna’s thinking big, and she’s working through a sound not playing magpie. It’s a pretty individual sound, too: Madonna’s time-smoothed voice, funkless rhythm’n’blips from Mirwais, and soothing sh[…]

Can you pick your favourite from the
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Can you pick your favourite from the Time Out Pub Of The Year competition? Oddly much of the publog regulars are in a position to take part this year having been to almost all of the pubs (and come on, how can a pub in Greenwich win). We are currentl[…]


Latest comments on FT

  1. Thank for the blog it is well written and i love it the way you have presented it in online…

  2. Tom, I loved loved loved these polls and participated obsessively, until one day (it was March 2023) I just stopped…

  3. I feel sad that I couldn't persistently engage in every poll as much as I'd have liked - and not…

  4. Thanks for doing the polls, Tom, and for writing this lovely, considered, reflective piece. It’s given me closure on my…