Archives – 2001 – April  

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“hi, my name is marcus and i’m a pop-oholic”
the very idea of a remake of”pop musik” at this particular time in music is a fantastic one. “pop musik” is a celebrati[…]

Once upon a time
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Once upon a time there was going to be a FT noise issue and I was going to write a history of modern classical noise. There never was and I never did. But here’s a start.[…]

Fans of Blur take note!
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Fans of Blur take note! (and other Anglophiles): you know all that stuff about Biscay and Malin Head in “This Is A Low”? Well, for an apparently limited time – he’s taking it down very soon – enlightenment can be yours a[…]

Maconie’s Critical List
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Maconie’s Critical List: apparently some people still don’t own any Big Star albums. Maconie is going to tackle this crisis in schoolmasterish fashion. I have long had a soft spot for the man – he after all wrote the review of Win&#[…]

Coming Attractions
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Coming Attractions — besides my long overdue first piece in and of itself as FT editor, soon I’ll be inaugurating a new and hopefully quite interesting interview series on FT entitled POP: ART, inspired in part by Tom’s excellent in[…]

Kill All Hipsters
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Kill All Hipsters: these ones seem nice, though. Browsing tips: search for a year in the 1960s, download what they recommend. Search for 2001 and avoid what they recommend if you value your brain. Via Scrubbles.[…]

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kids can be so cruel, a lesson the boys learned at a younger age than most, but at the very least they had each other: they would always have each other. bonds were formed for the old familiar reasons: the insou[…]

AIR – “RADIO #1”
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AIR – “RADIO #1”
if they weren’t fearful of looking egotistical — and if it also made for a better hook than “ray-dee-ohh num-berrrr one” — the boys from air woulda/shoulda named this single of theirs &[…]

Everybody Loves The NYLPM Mailbag
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Everybody Loves The NYLPM Mailbag: focus group time is upon us soon and with it come nutters searching for songs on Google. To whet your appetite here’s a little something from the mailbag about Mr. M. Manson (who we were quite nice to actually[…]


Latest comments on FT

  1. Thank for the blog it is well written and i love it the way you have presented it in online…

  2. Tom, I loved loved loved these polls and participated obsessively, until one day (it was March 2023) I just stopped…

  3. I feel sad that I couldn't persistently engage in every poll as much as I'd have liked - and not…

  4. Thanks for doing the polls, Tom, and for writing this lovely, considered, reflective piece. It’s given me closure on my…