Archives – 2000 – May  

Pop Rock Music And Mind Control
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Pop Rock Music And Mind Control: BEWARE! Thank goodness he’s never heard Coil, eh readers?[…]

Kids parents, and Music
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Kids parents, and Music: Josh was asking in e-mail a while ago what music children could be played to make sure they, as it were, grew up right in music taste terms. This article would argue, I think, that it’s just sponsoring the interest of t[…]

REAL PSYCHEDELIC MUSIC. dada, surrealism, kitsch, LSD…
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REAL PSYCHEDELIC MUSIC. dada, surrealism, kitsch, LSD…: by Chris Bickel, ‘King of Epinions’, a Nurse With Wound review. (link via Sparky’s Rumpus Room)[…]

This is about fanzines
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This is about fanzines: I think this is one of the best things Tangents ever published – a piece, back in 1996, on the fanzine explosion of the 80s and the opportunities for e-zines to similarly capture the moment. I’m blogging it because[…]

The Annual All Time Best of the Worst Country Song Titles
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The Annual All Time Best of the Worst Country Song Titles: Ones which would also be on the Best of the Best Country Song Titles:
If The Jukebox Took Teardrops I’d Cry All Night Long
Out Of My Head And Back In My Bed
Heaven’s Just A Sin Aw[…]

‘Mom, I blew up the music industry’
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‘Mom, I blew up the music industry’: interview with Shawn Fanning of Napster which unforgiveably gets how Napster works completely wrong. That said the article redeems itself somewhat by acknowledging Napster (and MP3s’) vast oncomi[…]

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ORF ON FM4: “Tosender Applaus für Björk! Faule Tomaten für die All Saints!” – it’s a collaborative music weblog! It’s also in German! (link via Euroranch). On an almost totally unrelated note, FT got a link from a Fre[…]

Relics from a deadly decade
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Relics from a deadly decade “the 80s at their best amounted to a few Madonna singles and the Smiths’ solipsistic neuroses. The decade simply hasn’t weathered well”: the biggest-selling musical style internationally is club-ori[…]

Would they have preferred To Rococo Rot?
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From The Guardian: “She said that if the orchestra had “known more about the many movements in modern music and pop music, they certainly would not have co-operated with the Scorpions” “. Will symphony orchestras never learn?[…]

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So why has it taken Kevin Shields so long to make a follow up to Loveless, eh? It’s not as if he doesn’t have the time, seeing as he’s gallivanting about the world lending a touch of gutted-whale noize cred to Bo[…]


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  1. "As published, Dredd is tough but gives at least the illusion of fairness." There are two things about MC1 that…