THIRST on Greek Street: This is the bar I went to briefly last night. It has a bar area up top and a dancefloor downstairs. The dancefloor bit looked fine and the music sounded great (I had to go home at 8 so I didn’t really experience it). The top floor is a nightmare though. The tables are small and cramped, the drinks are expensive, the d’cor very uninspiring (huge neon ‘THIRST’ sign was fun but took on a black irony when I first paid ‘2.90 for a San Miguel) and worst of all the seats are tiny metal stools with holes in the middle. That isn’t a seat, it’s a polo!

My bar-o-phobia is well established but I simply cannot understand why anyone would go to a place like this before the dancing gets going ‘ it’s not welcoming, it’s not friendly, the crowd isn’t particularly good looking (even before we arrived), it’s uncomfortable and expensive. The company was of course excellent but I’d have liked it so much more in a pub ‘ a d’tente between Bar Culture and Publog Culture remains a distant prospect.