Archives – 2006 – April – 12  

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Since my first trip there, I kind of fell in love with FACT in Liverpool. The “arts space” concept is often a really bad grab bag of unsuitable rooms to do theatre, art and a few cafes desperately trying to make up the shortfall. FACT seems to bu[…]

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There had been some talk about the return of Rentaghost, in the hands of no less a personage of Joe Pasquale. What I had not realised that this was not for television, not even for a low rent satellite company. Instead it was for the stage. Though no[…]

Hostile – DO YOU SEE
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Hostel would be a pretty good film if it was not for its blood splattered excesses. Its blood splattered excesses are what make it a brilliant film. Part allegorical condemnation of US foreign policy, part justification for US foreign policy, part ex[…]

Latest comments on FT

  1. No offense taken! I don't have the ego to have alarms about myself. I do, still, have sufficient fondness for…

  2. Count me as one of the people oddly affected by issue 300. Although... The thing I most remember about this…