Archives – 2000 – June  

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Whenever our old friend Nicholas Currie wants to tell us how, you know, *radical* and *sexual* and *dangerous* his music is compared to all those *repressed* and *parochial* Brit-rockers (hmmm … Fran Healy hollering his way through “Turn&[…]

Misanthropic children reunited shocker
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I Hate Music appears to have a kindred spirit in indieshite, which promises to be unremitting in its venomous bile and loathing for anything and everything. [link from us|against|them]
And coincidentally, it occurs to me that I have no idea whether T[…]

DMX – What’s My Name?
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For so long, as a matter of moral principle, I despised DMX. Hated the blatant simplicity of his music’s production values, hated the way his every emotional response was intoned as a blood-red tabloid headline, hated the way he played into th[…]

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I don’t know why I find myself listening so obsessively to Max Tundra’s skittering electro-jazz, since its air of aimlessness and slight self-satisfaction clash with my current aesthetic of self-promotion and self-belief. It has overtones[…]

I drifted away
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I drifted away – the Guardian reviews the Festival Of Drifting. The mysterious asterisk next to the name of the event is actually the rating out of a possible five stars; one star, the paper tells me, means “terrible”. Is it just me[…]

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Having “the rock” is often assumed to be a singularly male obsession. We chicks have got more important things to worry about that strapping on a set of leather strides, damaging our sleek body curves with ungainly guitar straps and stand[…]

The Top Three Songs I Want To Listen To This Very Second. Now.
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1. Wookie – “Battle” (MP3, forthcoming single)
Underground soulful 2-step ex-Soul II Soul man UK Garage. Would be big except for the fact that I’ve not heard it on the radio yet. Perhaps the Dreem Team are playing it? Large se[…]

Here comes Greg to stop the lethargic NYLPM from slipping into a coma and look what happens while I’m writing my entry!
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Anyway, here goes…
Napster: The Computing Equivalent Of Unsafe Sex – and so the backlash continues. A band named the Tabloids (nope, me neither) have launched a site named with the intention of spearheading guerilla tactic[…]

Spiritualized – “Ladies And Gentlemen We Are Floating In Apace (Elvis Mix)”
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Have you heard this, josh? if not, you should coax tom into making you a copy.
For me, it’s quite revelatory: if i was jason pierce, i’d be majorly pissed off at the writers of “can’t help falling in love” for nixing th[…]

SPIRITUALIZED – “Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating in Space”, “Come Together”
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Both songs are in waltz time (3/4, or at least 6/8, but close enough) – but it took me until this week to realize it (typical). Any odd time signature is a funny thing – for whatever reason, we’re so accustomed to 4/4 and similarly […]


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  1. Thanks for the deep dive into all of this lunacy. I started reading Cerebus in high school, when it was…