Archives – 2004 – April  

The Apple Stretching
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The Apple Stretching (WWIISINY, part the second)
Here you are then: more of the same (only different).
5. Jim Lambie: Mental Oyster (Anton Kern )
Good old Jimbo Lambie, he’s doing here what he does best, taping up the floor so it’s all ey[…]

What was it I saw in New York?
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What was it I saw in New York?
I’ve been to New York, you know. I went to look at some art in Chelsea, or perhaps the Meatpacking District (the latter sounds so unromantic, but then it’s hard to warm to anything named Chelsea). I set off […]

Pepys, Dostoevsky, and Skinner
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Pepys, Dostoevsky, and Skinner: John Sutherland’s imprimatur means this Streets piece can leave the callow lowlands of NYLPM and be linked on the Wedge instead. My major problem with the article – aside from Sutherland’s reading of […]

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DEAD MAN’S CHESS: (Three Questions abt Treasure Island pt 3)
#3 (and LAST): Why did the pirates not win?
Basically Treasure Island is an argument about the nature of authority: at sea*, this zone of lawless democracy, sovereignty is his who c[…]

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DEAD MAN’S CHESS: (Three Questions abt Treasure Island pt 2)
#2: What are Long John Silver’s politics? (sorry this is v.long: scroll down to excellent = less homework-y stuff from sarah and mike g. and tom)
i. Even if we agree that the […]

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No, not a link to the mad TRON geezer (arrrgh mein eyes), but instead, my latest purchase from the charity shop: Man Becomes Machine:The Chilling Investigation of Humanity’s Robot Future, by David M. Rorvik.

Uncomfortable Reading
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Uncomfortable Reading
I collect old travel literature on Europe and the Americas. I can’t explain the appeal, but it combines elements of dusty covers and rifling through damp shops in Hay-on-Wye.
The more offbeat the finds, the better. Two wo[…]

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Mordillo: Euro-cartoon giant who leans more to the droll than the funny – site contains expansive and somewhat frightening CV detailing the dizzying range of Mordillo merchandising and licensing, with one sad exception: the remarkable touch-scr[…]

Treasure Island:
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Treasure Island: a reply to ms.
Wendy Katz’s ‘Introduction’ to the Centenary Edition (Edinburgh UP, 1998) comments that ‘inquisitive readers have attempted to match the historical data with the fictional dates in the text to e[…]

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Three Questions abt Treasure Island
#1: When is it set? JimH is famously coy (“I take up my pen in the year of grace 17__” only gives a clue abt when he WROTE it) but there are clues. i. The King is a George =[…]


Latest comments on FT

  1. Thank for the blog it is well written and i love it the way you have presented it in online…

  2. Tom, I loved loved loved these polls and participated obsessively, until one day (it was March 2023) I just stopped…

  3. I feel sad that I couldn't persistently engage in every poll as much as I'd have liked - and not…

  4. Thanks for doing the polls, Tom, and for writing this lovely, considered, reflective piece. It’s given me closure on my…