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EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW! The Soulful And The Arcane
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We promised we wouldn’t write about the Freaky Trigger #1 comic of 2014 any more, but luckily a MUCH MORE AUTHENTIC AND REAL comic has come along for us to write about instead, thanks to this interview falling through a dimensional gateway from[…]

10 reasons it’s okay to not like The Wicked and The Divine #1
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Coronations are dull things
You read enough Vertigo comics in your youth (or, last week) and you have had sufficient for the next decade of ingénue audience identification figures having a world of wonder shown to them by an unreliable trickster.


Is It Is It Wicked?
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The Wicked And The Divine #1, by Freaky Trigger friends and favourites Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie, is out this week. There’s going to be a bit of coverage of it here, partly because I interviewed Gillen and McKelvie about it last week for Pit[…]

Latest comments on FT

  1. the punk community kindly disownes you, have your stuff packed, being hateful is not punk, honestly this is the most…