Archives – the charts  


Number Ones vs History
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Commenter Nixon, on another thread, asked this: “we’re now past the 40-year mark, long enough for trends to emerge… do you think that the list of UK number ones, taken as a weird at-a-glance sweep of British music history, very broadly […]

The Dark Matter Of Pop
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I have a new (fortnightly) column in the Guardian – the first instalment is here. I posted that link on Tumblr last night and The Lex left an interesting comment, which I’m going to excerpt:
“Illegal downloading is v much an elephan[…]

Latest comments on FT

  1. Meal planning is a great way to ensure you’re eating nutritious, balanced meals throughout the week. Planning ahead helps you…

  2. Intrigued by the cosmic 'space waves' link between 'Elf' and 'Ghostbusters'—a delightful, interstellar plot twist!

  3. Fascinating to see 'Elf' and 'Ghostbusters' connected by 'space waves'; an unexpected, cosmic twist to the conversation!