Archives – eight FT nights  


Eight FT Nights: “The Hanukkah Story”, The Nanny
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(Soz for the late posting, yr correspondent has completed a GRUELLING 25-HOUR JOURNEY across many time zones including correspondent’s British spouse being detained by US Homeland Security for 2.5 hours of fun! But all HOME SAFE now albeit in a[…]


Eight FT Nights: “The Best Christmukkah Ever”, The OC
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Is it though? IS IT?!
NB I have never seen an episode of The OC before and watched this while (a) drunk and (b) packing. So I may have missed some subtleties, but actually looking back I don’t think so.



Eight FT Nights: “Chanukah”, Rugrats
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Chag sameach! And so long to advent calendars and welcome to EIGHT FT NIGHTS of Hanukkah TV specials. Although your correspondent doubted eight Hanukkah-related TV episodes or specials existed in the whole of pop culture, having dredged the depths of[…]

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  1. "As published, Dredd is tough but gives at least the illusion of fairness." There are two things about MC1 that…