Archives – Books  

Advent Triptych of Atheism: Derren Brown ‘Tricks of the Mind’
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Actual book review: an enjoyable, untidy compendium of a book – the author’s fake smugness, modesty and self deprecation pulls off the trick of hauling you enthusiastically through musings, memoir, memory tricks, mesmerism and magic.

Advent Triptych of Atheism: Richard Dawkins ‘The God Delusion’
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As a change from other reviews, I’m not going to touch much on the intellectual content of this book. This book is selling incredibly well. It has garnered a LOT of publicity in the US (I gather) and is a bit of “surprise” christmas[…]

Advent Triptych of Atheism: Daniel Dennett ‘Breaking the Spell’
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This book is not for you – it said to me in the preface. Me in this case being a non-US reader – however I was already disqualified being a fully paid up member of the choir already, having read pretty much everything by Dennett that has […]


last-minute wobs scifi-for-kidz popquiz!
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1. who first decided that IN THE VERY FAR FUTURE we would all refer to the earth as TERRA OF SOL?
2. who do you know has won the following literary awards:
a. the PHOENIX?
b. the BALROG??
d. a “plaque from the Net[…]


An Advent Triptych of Atheism (I did me some book readin’): intro
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What links these books is their atheistic viewpoint – a sceptical approach to our own beliefs and an awareness of the shortcomings of human psychology and thinking – but coming from three very different perspectives. A very American “ground[…]


uh-oh thrillers SO NOT FOR KIDS!
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they were on sale in SAFEWAYS — yes yes the first safeways in the UK THAT ONE yes — and for a v long while when small i REFUSED TO PASS DOWN THAT AISLE bcz the covers were so all creepy! HERBERT VAN THAL!
at the time this wasn’t ev[…]


back berna: kid-lit supplementZoR
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(being a follow-up to this)
in order of interest:
the mystery of the cross-eyed man (1969): pretext = world-turned-upside-down by NATIONWIDE TRAIN STRIKE, so kids (2xboys, 6&14) who were waiting for adult must make own way from Paris to souther[…]

D. UGG-las Adams eat yr heart out
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A rare tick in the ‘comics’ category for me as I am reminded to share with Freakytrigger readers a great GURLS COMIC EXPERIENCE of my youth that remains with me to this very day. A very small Sarah on visits to her grandma and grandad wo[…]

some names of spaceheroes in andre norton novels
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i. naill renfro
ii. troy horan
iii. ranger sergeant kartr
some more:
Dane Thorson; Drew Rennie; Shan Lantee; Jern Murdock; Ross Murdock
hosteen is still the winner tho[…]

Call Of Cthenneth
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I have spent much of this weekend exploring the nameless and abyssal depths of Earth’s prehistory. Half of this exploration has been in the pleasant company of H.P. Lovecraft, whose Haunter Of The Dark anthology I picked up on a whim last week.[…]


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  1. I really enjoyed the insights in this article! I recently checked out Sprunki Phase at, and it was a…

  2. I appreciate the author’s insights! I played the Sprunki game today, and it was awesome. Highly recommend it! No matter…