… so I realise that having to deal w.yr recently deceased mother’s stocks and bonds seems a bit alien to you — therefore to make you feel more at home, here is a corporate newsletter dollied up as a FUNKY LIFESTYLE MAG!! The main topic is ‘DIVIDENDS: the ALLURING FRUITS OF INVESTMENT’ so we used a nice cover photo of some blackberries!! DO YOU SEE? ‘Fruit’??! It is a pun bcz we are all carefree clubland magazine-readin bandidos, we are, as you can tell from the little byline pictures of US!”
“We would like to receive your feedback on [LUDICROUS FAUX-SNAPPY NAME]”
Hmmm, actually [LUDICROUS FAUX-SNAPPY NAME] I suspect you would NOT!!
In other wasting-the-planet news, the snows of Kilimanjaro are no more: