This month I resolved to abolish a tube station. Tooting Broadway, you are dead to me. Well, almost dead. Ailing, maybe.
The idea was to walk a bit more, combined with a general tendency to eat a bit less. From that point of view, it’s been a great success. Lots of hearty treks across town, admittedly with a tendency to end in a licensed premises. The specific idea of adding an extra 30 minutes walk each day by ignoring Tooting Broadway has been less well honoured, mostly because I’m chronically late as it is. On the way home I’ve ended up walking a bit, though given how awful the Northern Line is at the moment there’s a suspicion I would have done anyway.
Do I feel better? Hard to say. After congratulating myself on a largely sickness-free 2004 the last week found me the roughest I’ve been for a few years – walking was the last thing on my mind. But I have enjoyed walking, that extra time to myself to think a little. I cautiously feel that the foundations for better behaviour are being successfully laid.
Tooting Broadway? I like that better than Funky Broadway. Which I tend to ignore.