What? AGANE!!!
Alaistair Sim version this one. Which was actually called Scrooge on release. That is the one which was specified. Which may be harsh on all these other films which would have the jump on it by virtue of being called A Christmas Carol:
A Christmas Carol (2004): Kelsey Grammer = Frasier Scrooge
A Christmas Carol (1999):Patrick Stewart = Captain Scrooge
A Christmas Carol (1984) : George C.Scott = General Patton Scrooge
A Christmas Carol (1938): Reginald Owen = Old Giffer Scrooge
A Christmas Carol (1971): Alastair Sim = Animated Scrooge
A Christmas Carol (1997): Tim Curry = Badly Animated Scrooge
A Christmas Carol (1910): Charles Ogle = Silent Scrooge
A Christmas Carol (2000): Ross Kemp = Hard Man Scrooge
A Christmas Carol (1977): Michael Hordern = Paddington Bear Scrooge
A Christmas Carol (1982): Richard Hilger = Never Worked Again Scrooge
A Christmas Carol (1947): John Carradine = Kung Fu Scrooge*
A Christmas Carol (1994): Jeremy Kerridge = Ballet Scrooge
And that is just a small selection. So Sim should be happy that in this esteemed company that his is seen as the best. Better even that Ross Kemp in a modern day adaptation as Eddie Scrooge, acting his socks off by mumbling and scowling.
*Alright, that’s David Carradine, but what to say about John whose career has spaned well over a hundred lousy Z-pictures (including Silent Night, Deadly Night).