Archives – Series – Film 2Oh!!  


Film 2Oh!!: That Feminine: Mystique
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22: X-Men: First Class (cinema)
A film like X-Men: First Class is pretty hard to review. I thoroughly enjoyed it in a way I haven’t enjoyed an X-Men film since X2, which is to say that its an intelligent action movie for stupid people. These be[…]


Film 2Oh!!: Now That’s What I Call Neo-Realism
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21: Germany Year Zero (DVD)
I’m not sure what I expected from Rosselini’s Germany Year Zero. I knew it was a key Italian Neo-Realist film without perhaps knowing what that meant (my neo-realism begins and ends with The Bicycle Thief, and […]


Film 2Oh!!: The Point Of Bad Art
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19: Manasse (Movie)
Earlier this year I worried that I didn’t know how to talk about silent films. That I did not feel that I had the critical toolkit to enable me to safely say if one was good or bad. And, unacknowledged at the time, was also […]


Film 2Oh!!: Thor Is Just Birther and OBL Conspiracy Theory Propaganda
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18. Thor (Cinema)
This may contain hints at spoilers. And below the break actual spoilers.
Some films get lucky with their release date, others are unfortunately pre-empted by real events. Imagine if you will what would have happened if next weekend […]


Film 2Oh!!: The Extraordinary Adventures Of The Last Woman In Paris
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17: The Extraordinary Adventures Of Adele Blanc-Sec (Cinema)
I really want to try and link the order I write these in, you know, with amusing parallels between very different films. But as it happens, like the two Camilles, Adele Blanc-Sec is also ab[…]


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Film 2Oh!! stats update: Seen 90 films, written about 16 (including these two)
Talking about Cheri the other day reminded me that in the last sixth months I have seen three other films with the same setting of turn of the century Paris about high-end[…]


Film 2Oh!!: Danny Ocean Was Never This Fast (or Furious)
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14: The Fast And The Furious 5: Rio Heist aka Oceans 14 (cinema)
I have seen every Fast And The Furious film in the current cycle in the cinema. Even Tokyo Drift. The travails of undercover cop turned bad guy Paul Walker and bad guy staying a bad guy[…]


Film 2Oh!!: Cheri Bomb?
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13: Cheri (DVD)
Despite appearances, Michelle Pfeiffer’s character is not called Cheri. This is distracting.
I kind of regret not seeing Cheri in the cinema. I like Stephen Frears anything goes approach to his recent directing career, bouncing […]


Film 2Oh!!: Who’s The Sucker?
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I’ve seen 79 films this year and have written about 11 of them. Can I catch up?
12: Sucker Punch (cinema)
sucker punch ~ n.
1. a sudden surprise punch, esp from behind
2. a sudden unexpected defeat or setback
Whilst there is much wrong with Sucker […]


Film 2Oh!!: The Limits Of Limitless
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I’ve seen 76 films this year and have written about 10 of them. Can I catch up?
First a bit of housekeeping: the two films I had already written about this year were both in Narnia week and were:
9: The fantastic Rare Exports (cinema)
10: The more […]


Latest comments on FT

  1. The original Charlatans were the band who started the San Francisco sound I hate these guys because A they couldn't…

  2. Glad to hear that Coldplay's Christmas Lights is slipping down the charts. I swear I heard it everywhere this year…

  3. I don’t often give guarantees, but I am certain you will love both The Husbands and All Fours :)