I am not in the business of wishing Christmas away already, but there is one festive highlight which is still not done to death by the BBC, namely the annual festive pub crawl. Between Christmas and New Year the thoughts go to drinking, and what is now the Eleventh Annual Between Christmas and New Year Pub Crawl. And after last years frankly tiny journey around the City, we thought we would have a bit more of a challenge. So the longest physical walk of any of our pub crawls Stretching from Angel to Shoreditch, up and down the City Road, and yes, in and out of the Eagle. And this is what it looks like (click through for a bigger version).
You can see the shape up there and it almost completely mirrors the movements of the FTSE share index this year.
So the City Road FTSE Index 2011 it is.
3pm: The Old Red Lion
4pm: The Island Queen
4.45pm The Narrowboat
5.30pm The Wenlock Arms
6.20pm In and Out of the Eagle
6.30pm Bavarian Beerhouse
7.30pm The Prince Arthur
8.15pm The Reliance
9pm Mason & Taylor
Its physically the longest ever (near two miles!!!) and has the most pubs – though in and out of the Eagle is just that. Its also likely that a few may be shut.
A nice bit of variety too from German reliability to flaky pub falling down nonsense. As ever I shall be your host, demanding a salt beef sammich.
So come join us, on this architectural adventure, you don’t have to drink, you don’t have to do every pub. You do have to have fun! See you there. Or follow it on twitter on #FTcrawl2011