I once spent an enjoyable flight to the enjoyable New York City talking about my job to my seat neighbour. Uh-oh, I hear seasoned travelers say, but its okay: the guy was fascinated by my job as a drinks technician. He joined me in laughing at the attempts of the Coca-Cola company (for whom I was a consultant) even attempting to make fizzy tomato juice. As I explained to him the co-efficient of viscosity and carbonation ratios he came to much the same conclusion as I had, that the resultant concoction would be akin to some bubblin’ lava. And have you ever tried to get tomato juice off your T-shirt?

Any, that was not my real job. And yes I am an inveterate liar. But here is the job that would do such a thing: New Product Developer (soft Drinks) for Big Thoughts Ltd.