I had a good day in Glasgow a couple of weeks ago. Some pleasant beers, excellent company and an interesting new city for me to explore. Oddly I probably had the classiest drink I have had this year in the Vodka bar there, which reminded me I should drink stupidly strong cocktails more often.

There was one problem though. I was in Scotland. Pubs stay open later there, right? This was underlined by the pub quiz that Ally took me to which did not kick off until well after nine which we had rushed too in the rain. The rather heavy rain (Lucy scarpered fearing her washing had dissolved). Still we settled in the pub looking at an evening of boozing in the pub discussing an pitch for an Estonian romantic comedy called Love Oven (and I wanted to called Loven – but mere as an American Movie homage). And it kept raining outside as we were smug and warm and dry and…

Then the barman told us the Gents toilets were flooded. That was fine, we could use the disabled toilet (there must be a better name for it, that suggests it doesn’t work). And then, at ten, last orders were called. The cellar was flooded with all that rain, and was getting near the electrics. Result: leaving the pub at 10:30, a touch earlier than I would have done in London. Foiled again!

(To be fair it was probably not a bad thing after all the drinking I did in the next week).