I have no idea about the Oxford Blue – however I have been drinking at “The Oxford Pub” or to give it its full and rather more revealing title The Oxford Pub: It’s A Scream. It’s A Crime, more like, etc. This used of course to be The Hobgoblin, famously rough-as-boots pub on “the Plain” (or “the Roundabout” as it should perhaps be called). It has since mutated. Along the way I am almost positive it was called for a short while simply The Pub. Making it only a participle away from the Repo Man gone mad nightmare of a pub simply called Pub.

Come to think of it it’s surely only a matter of time before some ghastly bar round Old Street way (see Publogs passim) changes its name to the fashiomably monosyllabic Pub in order to enrage and confuse us. Bah.