The third in the ongoing series of Lollardry, as broadcast earlier this afternoon between 12 and 1. This week’s edition includes: the puzzle craze of the eighties, the definition of emo, the truth about drugs, gimmicky shoes and movie twists that actually work.
Audio PlayerVery good article,I benefited a lot from it.
to be fair i think it’s more “a” definition of emo, than THE definition, i think we’re saving THE definition for later in the series ;)
also, good to see the guardian are listening, we talk about rubik’s cubes on sunday, they write about them on monday…
There was a bit on Clark’s Shoes in the Graun comment section too!
Best twistiness in a movie ever: about three quarters of the way through House Of Flying Daggers there is a four-minute stretch with ELEVEN major plot twists. Some you knew were coming, some are complete surprises, but you certainly don’t keep expecting that there is another one to come any second.
why can we not download mp3 to listen on TEH GO
You can if you go to the source code for the MP3 player. Or if you subscribe to it as a podcast I think! (I don’t know why don’t have a download-it section too.)
Yes you can subscribe to the lollards podcast. I will try to make that to the info box on the left. Meanwhile, details on lollards page, or go to the main lollards-podcast page which links to the rss feed.
There. The iTunes and RSS links now appear in the podcast archive pages and in each individual post too.