In tribute to Tom drawing NYLPM to a close.
And as a firther tribute to the top 100 tracks of that blog never reaching number 1, we thought it would be good to end the top 13 endings at number 4. But for anyone looking back in the archive and wondering where we might have gone
THE FT TOP 13 ENDINGS: 3. They all died, the cat died
THE FT TOP 13 ENDINGS: 2. The End is the Beginning
THE FT TOP 13 ENDINGS: 1. They all lez up
Barring anyone jumping in and back-dating posts on there, you will NEVER KNOW why these are so great. Or perhaps you will
[…] A quick flick over to E4 saw another ending – the final episode in the series of Ghost Whisperer. Last week’s installment (the first of this two-parter) made me really rather cross. The series closer was slightly less turgid as Jenny managed to perk up at least one mourning relative through the power of her cleavage. Meanwhile, the victims of a plane crash (done on minimum budget of course) refuse to ‘go into the light’ and instead team up with the sinister looking man in a trenchcoat that has been giving Jenny bovver for the last couple of weeks. The usual clumsy secular representation of the afterlife is chucked in the bin as we see nasty Dick Spanner-a-like suck the tempted souls down into the GROUND whilst the meek get drawn to the epileptically bright light shining from ABOVE do you see. An attempt at a ER-style dramatic season finale might keep some punters hungry for more, however this viewer has the attention span of a lobotomised goldfish and my apathy has finally superseded my curiosity. The problem with a programme about dead people is that there can really only be one ending, and that is ending #3. Seeya later, Jenny. […]