Welcome to the new look Freaky Trigger, which is now 3 sites in a server-shaped trenchcoat.
Popular – my ongoing reviews of UK Number 1 hits, which now has its own dedicated site.
The People’s Pop Polls – arriving from the flaming wreck that is Elon Musk’s Twitter on its own, poll-friendly “vertical”
And Freaky Trigger itself, which remains a place where I (and my friends without blogs to call their own) can write about anything else I want.
On this bit of the site, at least, you probably won’t notice much changing. You should now be able to log in via Twitter and other social media sites. Comments might work a bit differently.
The increased activity on Popular you saw in January and February this year will be back – there’s a new entry up today and you can expect weekly updates there. Once I’m back into the rhythm of entries I have a couple of other Popular-related projects I’m hoping to get into as well.
We have a new poll starting – the open-nomination “Charity Crusher” which will run on through May and June.
And while this part of the site is currently mostly an archive, I’d anticipate seeing some Patreon exclusive material showing up and also some of the more substantial Goodreads reviews I’ve been doing, mostly of comics.
While the changes in some places LOOK cosmetic, in reality there’s been a huge amount of work done by designer Steve M and site admin Alan to haul Freaky Trigger and Popular into the modern wordpress era and build from scratch a new home for the Pop Poll community. None of this would have even begun to be possible without them – huge, enormous thanks to them both.
THE BLOG ERA IS BACK! Who wants to be in my web ring?
Blimey! A radically different look, and all very exciting. Well done Steve and Alan.
Thrill-factor overload! Great to see the new look and vibe. Nerdy question: are there plans to put some URL rewrite rules into the htaccess file to redirect all of the old Popular entry URLS to their equivalents on the new site? Every bookmark and link to Popular from elsewhere is currently broken.
(I’ve enabled thread/replying too now)
Like Tom says, shouldn’t be happening – I put in a redirection that I thought was sufficient. can you point me at some external links. cheers
I’ve added some more 404 smarts such that a (not that) old link Tom did to a popular article that didn’t START /popular/ in the URL…
…now redirects to the correct popular post. Let me know if you find more examples
Seems to be working now – I checked a bunch of old links to posts from my blog and they’re all good – thanks! But still broken at the moment is the top-level link to the main Popular page: https://freakytrigger.co.uk/popular/
ha. missed that one. cheers. will fix that…
Now witness the firepower of this fully armed and operational battle station!
Oops – that shouldn’t be happening I think. Hopefully we can sort it out.
Clicking around the Popular archives at random, I see cover images attached to entries going all the way back to mid-1974: impressive work. Great to have the ratings system working again, too.
Threaded comment replies? *Lil Jon voice* WHAT?
(could I get authorized for the Pop polls as well?)
done ?
hmm – comments not coping w emojis here. that was a thumbs up