Hurrah – the Pub Crawl is now old enough to join the Army!
To celebrate this milestone I thought on the 29th December this year we should go on a route which several milestones can be seen, and also have a metaphorical expeditionary force, a force for good of course. Good cheer. And considering sixteen years of this pub crawl, I have decided this year to be a little selfish and do one quite near to my house. And also a selection of rather decent fake country pubs rather close in. So I present you a self-indulgent Highgate pubcrawl.
Starting at the Woodman next door to Highgate Tube (high entrance) at 3pm we take a scenic walk to Highgate Village ending at the lovely Duke’s Head. Route below the cut:
3pm The Woodman
4pm The Bull
4.45pm The Wrestlers
5.45pm The Gatehouse
6:30pm The Flask
7:15pm The Prince Of Wales
8pm The Duke’s Head
Most of these pubs do food of varying quality. There are other pubs on route in case the usual happens (one is shut) or you want to mark up your crawl card. And The Duke is a five minute walk from Archway Tube. It may not look five minutes on the map, but trust us, this is the very definition of rolling down one of the steepest hills in London drunk. See, look on this big map…