Here we go then, this is where it all gets hectic, and the calculators come out to decide who goes through to the round of 16 and who gets sent home. We’ll be doing TWO matches per day, so that, as in the football based world cup, the groups finish at the same time. First up it’s Group A, with both Mexico and Uruguay dependent on the other game’s result, and the Mexicans in particular needing a stonking win to advance, we should be in for a rollicking tie.
This match will close at midnight on Sunday 11th April
MEXICO: Rodriga y Gabriela – “Stairway to Heaven” The Manager Says: “Disgraceful…. grumble, grumble…. referees are against us…. rant, rant…. wouldn’t know good football if it bit them on the arse…. rage, rage…. we’ll go home, but we’ll go home in style… rave, rave…. Rodrigo y Gabriela…. expletive, expletive…. ¡que la chupen!”
Audio PlayerURUGUAY: El Cuarteto De Nos – “Nada Es Gratis En La Vida” The Manager Says: “That South Africa result was undeniably a disappointment, but for our final group match we’re fielding an experienced team (El Cuarteto have been together since 1980) who know that a loss doesn’t need to mean the end. So with open voice and boundless optimism, we’re storming the pitch and playing for the sheer joy of the game. Hoorah!”
Audio PlayerGroup A match 5: Which of these tracks do you prefer? [ballot]
- MEXICO: Rodrigo y Gabriela 54%
- URUGUAY: El Cuarteto De Nos 46%
Total Voters: 65
Poll closes: 11 Apr 2010 @ 23:00

Commentary Box Analysis Both teams aiming for a classical formation here. Mexico going for a very surprising, yet incredibly well-known track, Uruguay opting for something not so obvious but still with a team that will ring a few bells, certainly with those who’ve been paying attention to the British leagues of the last few years.
Result! Portugal 2 North Korea 1 A stunning victory for the Portuguese here in an match played in front of the largest crowd of the tournament so far. “Portugal have just fielded one of the starting XIs of the tournament for me.” “What they lack in flair, this Portugal team more than make up for in power, and the results are pretty awesome.” “the battle is Dancing vs Laughing. Which is better? Dancing? or laughing? Dancing…laughing…”
Coming next The real decider in the group as South Africa take on France, coming up in just a minute or two!
Yeah, I’m not sure what it is I’m troubled by really. Obviously it would be ridiculous if people started to feel they couldn’t say “I think this song is shit”, and I can’t reasonably have a problem with anyone thinking that about any of my choices (I never expected to please the Lex, heh). At the same time, it’s hard not to read “I think this song is shit” as “I think this manager’s a fool for choosing this song”. But that’s daft and oversensitive really. Perhaps I’m also feeling overprotective of El Cuarteto. These are middle aged men! And yet they make lovely perky optimistic indie pop that sounds like the stuff The Frank and Walters were making in their late teens. I really do love this song (I’ve loved all my songs so far, and would never have heard any of them if it wasn’t for this competition!), so I guess I do get grumpy if people pick on it.
Certainly it was ovely sulky to claim I won’t mind being knocked out though. I will, because I’ve still got a few more really nice songs lined up which I’d like to be able to play.
I don’t blame any manager for getting personally riled at the more unconstructive hate, whatever their choices. Most of us are trying not to come across as obnoxious when criticising I think (I hope). Actual vitriol tends to propel discussion tho huh.
Our triumphant and far-sightful Dear Manager-Coach-Leader says THIS. The People’s Will and Right Desire cares as little for your snivelling individualist FEELINGS as for your snivelling individualist SHINS. All shall be stomped without mercy in utter upcoming just war. THE OPEN GOAL IS THE ONLY GOAL.
Wish you were here, yr chums in the north xxx
^ Going down like the Cheonan imho
I boooed the whole match. But still voted for URU!
Oh, this match isn’t as bad as all that. The Mexican track is quite pleasant, and from where I’m sitting, an improvement on the original. Uruguay’s is just some inoffensive indie, doesn’t do much for me, but I can see it has some merit.
Voting for Mexico here, as they’ve made me (slightly) appreciate a song I generally can’t stand.
I actually quite like Uruguay’s – not something I’d go out of my way to hear again but bright and uptempo as this sort of thing goes, reminds me a lot of the Killers really, and I quite like the Killers sometimes.
I also appreciated Mexico especially once it gets going toward the end, so a positive experience for me!
I’m really glad I stuck with Mexico, they took so long to get going I almost gave up several times (especially because it seemed difficult to do anything new with such a familiar formation) but by the end they get a fantastic and rather surprising momentum going.
Uruguay plug away to far more consistent and fairly likable effect so it feels a bit harsh to go against them, but a loss to a late goal I think.
Uruguay start very similar to the Strokes’ “Last Night”. Not very original, but good enough to beat the Mexican “Escalera al cielo”.
Have we *just* scraped through here? I can’t tell!
Isn’t that a tie?
Yep, and France drew too, which puts us both on 4 points…but I think Uruguay are through on goal difference. It just depends how that’s calculated.
(Adding up the %ages received in each game.)
I am hoping that there is a place we clearly explained that somewhere – sorry everyone for the ambiguity :(
…so France just squeezes through on better aggregate %age?
yes, sorry, we’re still hanging on for the Japanese track, and that post has all the results and qualifying info in…
Ah yeah, the scoring would’ve been less confusing if I hadn’t misread one of steve’s earlier posts, oops.
Well, c’est la vie. I’d FINALLY managed to find some decent Uruguayan hip-hop this week too – if only I’d dug it up earlier, maybe things could’ve worked out differently.