8:25pm Om nom nom, they expanded and were covered in melted Mars bars and stuffed with ice cream and and… I think we are too drunk and too full to say any more tonight. More photos to come, not sure about scientific content of the day but food and drink was had by all. Hooray!
7.20pm Final science of the day, Cis is seeing how much choux pastry wll expand. Diameter buns from 1cm to 10cm have been piped onto the baking tray. Will they expand or will they POP!!!!
6.10 pmLawks – Meg is making a giant Kit Kat. Melted chocolate can be very messy! Oh and Cis and Moggy have turned up talking about doing something with Choux pastry. I keep saying Choux puns aren’t necessary but…
5.25pm Jalapeño Grigio and Jalapeño Noir are both out. Two sets of each. Rob made his using picked Jalapeño, Tim and Jenn made theirs with scored fresh Jalapeños. Taste test have been done and oddly, the pickled versions have a slightly pickly taste. General view around the room is that Rob’s are a bit ropey. Tim and Jenn’s have more subtlety. Except Ewan clearly likes his wine with a hint of VINEGAR.
Pinot Grigio with pickled Jalapeños:
Rob: Pickled white is kind of disgusting
Jenn: Would not drink again but not entirely offensive
Pete: Oddly subtle, have had worse “chilli” based cocktails
Tim: Starts well but leaves a sour aftertaste
Sarah: Has the most burn to it.
Meg: Kinda Yeachh!
Pinot Grigio with fresh Jalapeños:
Tim: Tastes like nettle wine, I rather like it
Sarah: Tastes of vinegar, pickles and manky jars. Tastes like something crawled into it and died.
Meg: Tastes OK. I’d drink that.
Pete: I’d drink it in a Mexican western.
Rob: I prefer the unpickled white.
Pinot Noir with picked Jalapeños:
Sarah: I liked it. Its like a flavour of organic chocolate you would get in Planet Organic
Rob: Vinegar seems to work with red wine better.
Pete: May be that the wine is rubbish. But the chilli doesn’t help.
Ewan: A real edge to it. Best of the batch.
Pinot Noir with fresh Jalapeños:
Pete: Hot but rough.
Alix: Disgusting frankly. Tastes of cooking pepper.
Ewan: Its got no distinctive merit. A very subtle hint of chilli. I’d drink a whole glass of it but the other one is more interesting.
Meg: Attishooooooo! x10.
5.10 pm Eggs have been eaten. They were terrific. Photos to follow but the scientific opinion rated the eggs in the following order:
Irish Egg: White pudding cooked perfectly and the Guinness added a nice tinge to the egg.
Italian Egg: Oddly aniseed, but very nice. Slightly astringent taste from burned parmesan.
Japanese Egg: A bit of a tinned salmon taste, but on the whole quite refreshing.
Polish Egg: Mixed view on this – the kabanos were good but the lager soaked egg tasted funny.
Russian Egg: NEVER EVER STEEP AN EGG IN VODKA. EVER. The perogi dough was OK, but the eggs were vodka evil!

4.22pm Time to tell you about the Eggs Of The World experiment, devised by Alix Campbell to take the well-known Scotch Egg and the less-well-known Welsh Egg to a wider world. Here they are uncooked. In particular:
The Irish Egg: boiled egg, steeped in Guinness, wrapped in white pudding then covered in breadcrumbs and deep fried.
The Russian Egg: boiled egg steeped in vodka, wrapped in smooshed up pelmenis, covered in breadcrumbs and deep fried
The Polish Egg: boiled egg, wrapped in minced kabanos, covered in breadcrumbs and deep fried
The Japanese Egg: boiled egg, wrapped in smoked salmon mixed with wasabi and soy sauce, covered in breadcrumbs and deep fried
The Italian Egg: boiled egg, wrapped in minced salami and pepperoni, covered in breadcrumbs and grated parmesan and deep fried.
3:58pm Steve and Meg have arrived and a cassoulet is in the oven. Irish, Japanese and Italian eggs are in progress. Hurrah! Ewan is here and he has more beer.

3:40pm Mars bhajis judged a success!! Bhaji coating like a spicy soft wafer with gooey sweet centre. Yum!
3:38pm Mars bhajis are out! Tasting notes to follow.


Pete's bhaji batter
3:20pm Alix is here. She will be cooking a whole world of eggs.
2:40pm Tim and Jenn are here, with beer, wine and Jenn’s amazing two in one food science. She has bought what could be called Courgette Cake, or alternatively Zucchini Bread. English will be eating Courgette Cake, non-English (for which Ewan will count) will eat Zucchini Bread. Notes will be taken. Time and Jenn are also keen on Jalapeño Grigio, and Jalapeño Noir, so various methods will be employed to make these great treats.
2.33pm: Rob is here. He will be responsible for the Jalapeño Grigio and eating everything! Bhaji batter made (photo on the way). We have decided to make some onion bhajis as well to prove that it actually works!
2pm: Well we are underway officially (no-one actually here yet). However there was a slight warm up for food science yesterday at the barbecue I was at where I investigated the food properties of a Quorn veggie sausage. In particular if cooking it in any way makes it any more edible. To whit, I ate a cold Quorn sausage straight from the pack. Rather dull, but firm textured, surprisingly dry. Ate one from the BBQ, still dull but firm textured. Burnt flavour from where it was burned. Still alive, hence the uncooked Quorn sausage clearly in no way dangerous to health. Unless your health is based on eating nice food. Which any other day of the year, mine is…