Two important bits of business:
For Popular fans – friend of the blog (and real actual pop star) Bob Stanley is curating the Britain Learns To Rock! season at the Barbican, which starts tomorrow with Fan Fever and Calling All Cats, two of the first British pop films.
For pop fans – the Stylus Singles Jukebox is one of the most-missed features from that site. And now it’s back (back back etc). I will be writing for it, when my ridiculous workload clears up a bit. But lots of awesome people are writing for it ALREADY. Good work William Bloody Swygart and his behind the scenes posse of pop elves.
yes yes yes i loved the singles jukebox!
man, the barbican publicity machine is SO LAME. they KNOW i’ve been to several bob things before, WHY DON’T THEY TELL ME about these things (given they send me at least two emails a week about stuff in general)????