The slugs of time ooze back onto your radio dials tomorrow night at 10pm! The frequency you’ll need to tune into is the perpetually double-booked Resonance FM 104.4 in London, which also does a live web stream. If you miss it however – FEAR NOT. After each show airs, we’ll be tacking these new episodes onto the podcast, which you can subscribe using either of these links (iTunes users should choose the iTunes link). You can also listen to them right from your web browser whenever you like.
For those unfamiliar with A Bite of Stars, a Slug of Time, and Thou, it’s an exhumation and revivification of old avant-garde and speculative science fiction short stories, hosted by MARK SINKER and ELISHA SESSIONS and a studio guest. Elisha reads the story for you at the front of the programme and then it gets talked about. Our M.O. is respectful frivolity and enthusiasm — we’re not sci-fi experts and we don’t need you to be either.
Our story this week is the frankly nutso “Zirn Left Unguarded, The Jenghik Palace in Flames, Jon Westerley Dead”, by Robert Sheckley, written in 1972. Our guest is PETER BARAN (we warned you).