Quick eyeball – saw in my own shop Fruit Tella Choc Filled. Ugh I thought. Who wants the tasty fruit flavoured chew with a completely unwarranted burst of what is almost certainly some sort of chocolate flavoured glucose syrup centre? No-one, that’s who. And indeed our rack is kind of full. But then a closer examination of the product showed that these Fruit Tella’s are caramel flavoured.
From – one assumes – the caramel fruit.
(Picture stolen from SnackSpot as ever)
OK – I know that Fruit Tella is the brand name of the sweet, and I have never really considered what the Tella bit is anyway. But the Fruit bit – well that always seemed sacrosanct. (In as much as a brand name can be sacrosanct.) It reminded me of discovering chocolate yoghurts as a child. YOGHURTS WERE A FRUIT PRODUCT!* So I didn’t care if Mr Uppity wanted me to try a chocolate yoghurt – it was wrong.
It seems odd that I am so willing to try new, and exciting foods from different cultures, but when my own (sick, warped) culture throws up something as harmless as a chocolate filled caramel chew I feel revolted.
*See what a tangled web marketers weave? I probably didn’t come across so called natural yoghurt until my teens when I thought it was horrible. Because of Ski yoghurt conditioning. I had never been ski-ing either.
I think that I can remember toffee yoghurt from some recess of my 1970s boyhood memories, and my finding it to be disgusting.
I love toffee yoghurt! But this is because the way we served ski to ourselves as kidZorZ = spoon in lots of sugar and mix it in before ready to eat!
Also toffee is so a fruit — cf THE MAGICIAN’S NEPHEW for proof
It would appear that this years must have app for confectionery is liquids gushing out anyway (cf various “Bursts”)
All fair enough, but have you actually tried them? ‘Cos they are really rather nice. I’m sure there must be something to compare them with, but I’m at a loss at the moment to think of it. But as choc filled caramels go, they’re fab.
are they more cadbury’s eclair or more inverse rolo?
Good God, you’re right – Cadburys Eclairs. That’s EXACTLY what they are like. Only slightly more sickly.
But chocolate yoghurt is great though!
This, on the other hand, looks revolting.
Who Makes Fruit Tella!?!?