I had one of those Americans around for dinner last night. A very pleasant chap all told, as was his good lady wife. In an attempt to pander to the guests I decided upon a menu which would reflect all of the nationalities involved. So the menu was thus:
Roast Asparagus with Baked Camembert* (English and French representing the lovely female guests nationality)
Chorizo Stew with Drozi Potatoes (Spanish, which female guest also has roots, and Polish potatoes like me)
And for pudding
Peanut Butter Ice Cream and Jelly (US)

Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches are quintessentially US comfort food. Even if it is better with jam (everyone likes the hit of a lump of fruit), it has the magical savoury/sweet stickiness which prepares one in later life for great fruit / meat combos. My pudding version played on the name more than the tastes and textures, but it was surprising how much those tastes and textures were eventually emulated. A Rowntree’s Blackcurrant Jelly (which in itself shows how long I have had the packet), and a couple of balls of my finest home made Peanut Butter Ice Cream. And once the ice cream had melted a bit, and the Jelly was mashed, it was very reminiscent of the sandwiches. Score one for me and the power of words!

(Peanut Butter Ice Cream recipe here from Kitchen Chick, though next time I would use slightly less sugar.)

*Couldn’t get any Camambert so I crumbled over Feta instead. Luckily the Feta was from France to maintain the theme of the meal.