Christmas: yes. New Year’s Eve. Of course. Even Boxing Day if you will. But where is the love for the lowly 29th December, a day which in the highs of the festive period lolls between two big drinkfests unloved, lonely and unwanted.
At least that was the case before the FreakyTrigger Annual 29th Pub Crawl started. Now in its seventh year (COUNT ‘EM) areas such as Holborn, Euston, Mornington Crescent have all been traversed with bonhomie, idiot talk and interesting beers in mind. But never has this event dipped its toes south of the river. Never, that is, until 2006.
The Borough Dumbbell (not a real shape but it will do) will start at 3pm on the 29th December in the Wheatsheaf just by Borough Market. From there we will move on in the following fashion (timings subject to change and pubs being shut):
4pm The Market Porter, also on Borough Market
4.45pm Lord Clyde, Clennam Street
5.30pm Royal Oak, Tabard Street
6.30pm Kings Arms, Newcomen Street
8pm-ish The George Inn, Borough High Street
(basically, if you are going to turn up after 4 and before 8 make sure you have either Pete’s or my mobile number (or other stalwart you know is out all day) about your person so we can tell you where we are. if you do not know either of these numbers, leave a comment and we’ll sort you out)
Usually the final pub is reached about 8pm and people settle in or drift off as is their wont. But this year their wont might be fighting and WE WILL HAVE NONE OF THAT! It is the 29th and the season of goodwill, any lack of goodwillers will be sent on their own pub crawl to HORROR PUB.
So see Tom Ewing’s return to pub culture, lots of people you haven’t seen in a while and come drink with us. We are your friends.
(Pete wrote most of this btw, but he’s off to Spain, hence me putting it up)
The 29th is my birthday! And The Market Porter my local! It’s… it’s as though it were meant to be.
omg that’s a great lineup of pubs! can’t wait…
I am hoping Tom will have forgotten how it all works in pubs after his long absence.
I plan to be there.
Hurrah! Lookin forward to seeing you Martin (and others).
I *think* that today is my month-not-in-the-pub milestone.
Bumping for tomorrow: we will also be celebrating the comissioning of the radio show and producing a list whose contents will be posted on FT during the year. See you all there.