If it was actually on the Dark Side Of The Moon.

However, having been to the moon, and more importantly having spoken to people who know something about the moon (FT’s own science teacher Alan), I can confirm that there isn’t actually a dark side of the Moon at all. Whilst it is true that, being in geosynchronous orbit, one side of the Moon always faces the Earth, that doesn’t mean that the other side doesn’t get a fair bit of sunlight too. The stupid idiots in Pink Floyd, despite making music that only scientists would like, misunderstand science themselves. One can only assume that the Floyd were talking about the Far Side Of The Moon: and so here is an artists impressions of what the album would look like from Earth, if it was on the far side of the Moon.

As you can see, thankfully the moon would be in the way, obscuring the pretentious and poorly drawn prism art on the original. Indeed, if on the Far Side of the moon, not only would it be inaccessible to play, but there might be some hilarious joke regarding talking animals juxtaposed with a mundane human task. Gee that Gary Larson is funny.
Further discussion did point out though that while Pink Floyd are clearly stupid and wrong for asserting the existence of a Dark Side Of The Moon, they are also, unfortunately, very rich due to other even stupider people (including scientists) buying their records. So rich in fact that it is more than possible that, in the face of such criticism, they would try to prove me wrong. And thus invent some sort of technologically superior Moon Rover*, with a copy of Dark Side Of The Moon stuck to the back of it with some sort of high tech adhesive, which would endlessly circle the Moon remaining in the dark spot.
This is what that would look like.

(Hmm, not sure if I should make this a regular feature after all.)
*Better than the Mars Rover in that it would not only work but would not play a Blur song as it puttered uselessly around the planet.