Well-Meaning Website Stymied By Thick Interweb User: or alternatively, “That’s 1 In The I for Txtspk” depending on yr view on who exactly is the idiot here. Would any nippers have visited this website anyway? Probably about as many as were scared of Nick’o’Teen in the 80s, I’d guess. The spin the website owners are putting on it is disingenuous – “it’s at least four clicks away from any adult material”: well, no, one click took me to a links list including “Erotic personals” (your surfer made his excuses and left) and that list was still branded with the confusing “Think You Know” header.
But the broader question, six-degrees-of-separation style, remains: is anywhere on the web more than four clicks away from adult material?
this post certainly isn’t, if you cast your eyes down the related articles…
I read the URL as ‘think UK now’ which just goes to show… er, something.
We’re certainly never far from porn when I have control of the mouse.